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Planning and Development Services

Bayview Ridge Urban Growth Area

repostThe Bayview Ridge Subarea is a 3,586-acre “non-municipal urban growth area” about a mile west of the City of Burlington. The Bayview Ridge Subarea community presently is characterized as a mix of industrial and business uses, airport and aviation-related uses, and a variety of residential uses. First adopted in 2006, the Subarea Plan was updated in November 2014 to rezone 173 acres of undeveloped property that is served by sewer for light industrial business-park-style development.

Bayview Ridge Subarea Plan (adopted November 2014)

Download the complete plan (PDF) or jump to individual chapters:

Read about the evolution and history of the Subarea Plan

Bayview Ridge Zoning

View the current adopted zoning on our iMap tool (click bookand choose Bay View).

Development is subject to the UGA design standards in SCC 14.16.215 and the Airport Environs Overlay compatibility requirements of SCC 14.16.210.

Zone Allowed Uses Developed
+ Developable
+ Undevelopable
= Total
Aviation Related (AVR) SCC 14.16.200 763 Infill 5 768
Aviation Related-Limited (AVR-L) SCC 14.16.205 0 20 374 394
Heavy Industrial (BR-HI) SCC 14.16.190 487 272 149 908
Light Industrial (BR-LI) SCC 14.16.180 169 647 288 1,104
Residential (BR-R) SCC 14.16.340 350 16 46 412
subarea total 1,769 955 862 3,586