Planning and Development Services

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Planning and Development Services




Narratives/Forms need to be completed and uploaded as part of your submittal requirements.

These apply to both Administrative and Hearing Examiner processes.

Most commercial projects must attend a Pre-development Meeting with County Staff. If a Pre-development Meeting has not been held, please schedule a meeting though the County’s CSS Portal. If you are unsure if a pre-development meeting is required, Ask a Permit Technician

Video: Introduction to new online permitting at Skagit County utilizing Tyler Technologies Civic Access.
Video Link
Supplemental Information

Building Permit Tips for Success
Expedited or Fast-Tracked Building Permits
Building Permit Revision Policy

Helpful Handouts

Helpful Worksheets
Site Plan Checklist
Title Notice Worksheet


To apply for, manage, or pay for projects, you will need to create a Citizen Access account. Here's how:


Once you are registered log into:


  1. Select APPLY
  2. The Decision Engine will prompt you < DO YOU NEED HELP GETTING STARTED? > If you are unsure of what type of application is needed, select YES. 

 welcome portal

  1. If you know what type of application is needed, you are welcome to select NO. 

  2. Search for applications by name or keywords. 

  3. You can search by applications types, PERMITS, PLANS, TRENDING or ALL. Select Show Categories to see all Permit or Plan types by category.
  4. If you are unsure, select < HELP ME CHOOSE >
  5. Once you see the application that is required for your project, select the blue Apply button.  

Permit type selection

  1. Follow the application through to submittal. 

  2. The application will stay in SUBMITTED ONLINE until a Permit Technician has been assigned to your project. When this takes place the status will be updated to INTAKE. 

  3. The Permit Technician may contact you if additional information is required. 
  4. Check for sub-records that may need to be completed as part of your project. 

sub record select

  1. When all requirements have been received, the Permit Technician will send an invoice for payment.
    Please note: All payments must be made through the portal. 


Narratives/Forms need to be completed and uploaded as part of your submittal requirements.

These apply to both Administrative and Hearing Examiner processes.

Most commercial projects must attend a Pre-development Meeting with County Staff. If a Pre-development Meeting has not been held, please schedule a meeting though the County’s CSS Portal. If you are unsure if a pre-development meeting is required, Ask a Permit Technician

Video: Introduction to new online permitting at Skagit County utilizing Tyler Technologies Civic Access.
Video Link
Supplemental Information

Building Permit Tips for Success
Expedited or Fast-Tracked Building Permits
Building Permit Revision Policy

Helpful Handouts

Helpful Worksheets
Site Plan Checklist
Title Notice Worksheet