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Planning and Development Services

Bayview Ridge Subarea Plan History



The Skagit County Board of Commissioners adopted the Bayview Ridge Subarea Plan in December 2006 (Ordinance O20060007, 456 mb PDF) after a lengthy development process. A Citizen Advisory Committee worked with Planning and Department Services staff to prepare the plan, which the Planning Commission then reviewed. The Planning Commission focused on major issues, such as:

·  Airport compatibility and appropriate scale of land use in various safety zones; and

·  Infrastructure, especially storm water management sufficient to protect downstream farms, water, sewer, parks, transportation, schools, and emergency services.

The Planning Commission recommended numerous changes, such as:

·   Deferral of the urban residential portion and new industrial and commercial zoning until the county adopts the Bayview Watershed Stormwater Management Plan, phase 1 of which was adopted in Ordinance O20070003;

·   Allowing new schools in limited circumstances;

·   Larger area for small retail and service businesses;

·   Greater protection of residential development where adjacent to industrial uses; and

·   More pedestrian and bike connections.

The Planning Commission’s changes can be found in the following documents:

1. Changes to Plan Policies, Text, and Land Use Map (March 1, 2005)

A. Department Report

B. Planning Commission Resolution and Findings for Bayview Ridge Plan

C. Map of Changes to Proposed Land Use Plan

2. Changes to Development Standards (March 1, 2004)

A. Department Report on Development Regulations

B. Planning Commission Resolution and Findings for Bayview Ridge Development Regulations


Community groups appealed to the Western Washington Growth Management Hearings Board, which found in August 2007 that the urban growth area was generally consistent with the Growth Management Act (Compliance Order) but ordered the County to update the capital facilities plan for providing infrastructure. Skagit County adopted changes in Ordinance O20080009 in 2008 and settled the remaining issue, regarding park facilities, late in 2009.

Stormwater Management

1.       Department Report
Bay View Watershed Stormwater Management Plan Phase I: The Bayview Ridge Urban Growth Area and Addendum to Bayview Ridge Subarea Plan Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

2.       Bay View Watershed Stormwater Management Plan