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Planning and Development Services

Lake Erie Pit LLC Gravel Mine Expansion Near Rosario Road

Special Use Permit Application PL16-0556

aerialLake Erie Pit LLC has proposed to expand its gravel mine operation near Rosairo Road. The existing 17.78 acre gravel mining operation is proposed to expand to the south. Increasing the surface area of the mine to a total of 53.5 acres. Gravel will continue to be processed onsite, removed by truck/trailer and transported to market.

Depending on market demand, gravel mining production may increase to 60,000 tons per year for an anticipated 60 years. The site is accessed from Rosario Road on an existing private gravel driveway. The subject site is located within the Rural Resource-Natural Resource Land zoning designation and within the mineral resource overlay. The project description, SEPA checklist, traffic studies, hydrogeologic and critical areas site assessments are provided below. The public hearing for the application occurred on August 26th and was continued by the Hearing Examiner. Another public comment period and hearing before the Hearing Examiner will follow.

Unless otherwise specified, dates in parenthesis represent the document’s own date, not the Department’s date of receipt.

For more information, contact:

Kevin Cricchio, AICP, ISA
Senior Planner