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Planning and Development Services

Administrative Official Interpretations

Pursuant to SCC 14.06.040, the Director of Planning and Development Services or other Administrative Official may issue an Administrative Official Interpretation (“AOI”) of the meaning, application, or intent of any provision of Title 14, or for questions regarding a map boundary or an alleged scrivener’s mapping error that does not involve reconsideration or rebalancing of designation criteria.

The Department publishes a Notice of Decision upon issuance of an AOI. Aggrieved parties may appeal Administrative Interpretations within 14 days by following the process in SCC 14.06.110(7) through 14.06.110(14).

Procedural provisions and statements of policy do not require issuance of a formal AOI. A decision by the Administrative Official that the interpretation request does not require an AOI is final, does not require a Notice of Decision, and is not subject to appeal.