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Planning and Development Services

Hearing Examiner Public Hearing | July 11-13 2022

Files (including exhibits) pertaining to the Appeal of the Issued SEPA MDNS (Issued on 2/22/2022). File# PL22-0142

Concrete NorWest Findings of Fact - Skagit County PDS Staff Report PL16-0097, PL16-0098

Entire Concrete NorWest Combined Findings of Fact with Exhibits Included [307 MB zip]


1 Findings of Fact -Skagit County PDS Staff Report PL1 6-0097 PL1 6-0098
2 Combined Parcels
3 SUP Application Narrative SEPA
4 OHWM Determination
5 Fish Wildlife Assessment
6 Fish Wildlife Report -Addendum
7 Semrau 300 Foot Buffer Drawings
8 Grip Rd Critical Area Assessment Impact Assessment Mitigation Plan
9 Hydro Geological Site Assessment
10 Dec 2021 Geo-Tech Report Haul Road
11 Cultural Resource Report
12 Preliminary Traffic lnformation
13 Nov-30-2016 Maximum Daily Traffic Traffic Addendum
14 June-6-2019 DN Traffic Consult ants Memo
15 GTC review of DN Traffic Consult ants TIA
16 HDR Third Party Review4-28-2020
17 Oct 8-2020 Semrau Addit ional Info Request Letter
18 TIA Sept 10 2020 DN Traffic Consultants
19 Private Internal Road Asbuilt
20 Janicki bridge rating letter
21 DCG Bridge Load Rating Memo
22 Fugitive Dust Control Plan
23 Timber Management Plan
24 Updated Noise Vibration Study
25 Site Mgmt Plan DOE Permit
26 General Permit, NP DES Waste Discharge Permit
27 Issued SEPA MDNS
28 NOA
29 List of Landowners within 300 Feet
30 Notice of Hearing
31 Combined List of Parties of Record of Project From 2016 TO 6-8-2022
32 Skagit County GIS Map of Subject Parcels
33 Public Comments2016 thru 2021
34 Public Comments Received During 2022 SEPA MDNS comment period
35 Public Comments Received 2022 Before SEPA MDNS
36 Public Comments Received 2022 After SEPA MDNS
37 Agency Department Comments Received 2016to end of 2021
38 Agency Department Comments Received in 2022
39 Applicants Response to Comments Received
40 Site Plan Reclamation Maps
41 Appeals
42 Site Photos
43 Complete Beacon Plan



For more information, contact:

Kevin Cricchio, AICP, ISA
Senior Planner