Planning and Development Services

Shoreline Master Program Update
Reference Documents
Sea Level Rise Policy Guidance (2018) |
Climate Change in Puget Sound (2015) |
Sea-Level Rise for the Coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington: Past, Present, and Future (2012) |
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Comments on Skagit County Shoreline Master Program |
State of Our Watersheds Report Skagit River Basin (2020) |
Assessing Tidal Marsh Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise in the Skagit Delta (2021) |
Evaluating anthropogenic threats to endangered killer whales to inform effective recovery plans (2017) |
Roads to ruin: conservation threats to a sentinel species across an urban gradient (2018) |
Seattle City Light Skagit Project (2021) |
Resolution Honoring Mr. Brain Abbot (2017) |
A ubiquitous tire rubber-derived chemical induces acute mortality in coho-salmon (2021) |
Impacts of Climate Change on Regulated Streamflow, Hydrologic Extremes, Hydropower Production, and Sediment Discharge in the Skagit River Basin (2015) |
Combined Effects of Projected Sea Level Rise, Storm Surge, and Peak River Flows on Water Levels in the Skagit Floodplain (2015) |
Integration of Chlorpyrifos Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition, Water Temperature, and Dissolved Oxygen Concentration into a Regional Scale Multiple Stressor Risk Assessment Estimating Risk to Chinook Salmon (2019) |
Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Forage Fish Use of Eelgrass Habitats in a Diked and Channelized Puget Sound River Delta (2018) |
Soil bioretention protects juvenile salmon and their prey from the toxic impacts of urban stormwater runoff (2015) |
Contaminants of emerging concern in a large temperate estuary (2016) |
Aquaculture mediates global transmission of a viral pathogen to wild salmon (2021) |
California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy and Implementing Guidelines (2014) |
WA Eelgrass and Shellfish Aquaculture Workshop Report (2017) |
Sediment export and impacts associated with river delta channelization compound estuary vulnerability to sea-level rise, Skagit River Delta, Washington USA (2020) |
How To Choose: A Primer For Selecting Sea Level Rise Projections For Washington State (2020) |
Suspect and Nontarget Screening for Contaminants of Emerging Concern in an Urban Estuary (2019) |