Skagit County Sheriff
"Committed To Your Safety"
County Sheriff's Office |
Report A Traffic Problem(s) | Washington State State Collision Report
To augment the traffic division the motorcycle program was started in 1997. Three deputies are assigned to traffic motorcycles and focus their enforcement in areas where it is difficult for a patrol vehicle to respond as well as during special events such as the Skagit County Tulip Festival where traffic congestion prohibits patrol vehicles from a timely response to calls for service. In addition to patrol and traffic functions, the motorcycles are also used as escorts for motorcades and parades. The Skagit County Traffic Divisions is happy to assist you with your traffic related concerns. If you observe ongoing problems with traffic violations in your neighborhood please contact the traffic division. Our traffic deputies will come out and conduct emphasis patrols if requested as time and man-power allows. Chief
of Field Services: Chris Baldwin |