Pipeline Safety Project
Planning & Development Services is beginning work on a project
to study hazardous liquid/liquid natural gas transmission pipeline locations
and impacts in Skagit County and to develop standards to govern land
use in close proximity of existing pipelines.
There are four oil and gas transmission pipelines traveling
across approximately 121 miles of Skagit County. These pipelines are
operated by BP, Kinder-Morgan, Williams, and Cascade Natural Gas.
Skagit County Planning & Development Services is undertaking a process
to adopt new procedures and development standards to address the issue
of pipeline safety. Through this process, it is our goal to promote
awareness of the pipelines in our community and develop standards and
procedures that ensure development near the pipelines occurs safely.
Safety Web Site
Adopted Pipeline Safety Ordinance
On Tuesday, December 6, the Board of Commissioners adopted
the ordinance below, creating new Skagit County Code section
14.16.835 regarding pipeline safety. The ordinance creates a
consultation and title notification requirement, but no setbacks.
adopted pipeline safety ordinance (PDF)
November 8 Pipeline Safety Code Draft
On Tuesday, November 8, the Board of Commissioners requested a new draft
pipeline safety code that reduces consultation zone width to 100 ft
and adds timelines for consultation, among other changes. The Board
also set a written comment period on the new draft that ends at 4:30
pm on November 28, 2011. Submit comments to the Clerk of the Board of
County Commissioners, 1800 Continental Place Ste 100, Mount Vernon WA
98273, or via email to commissioners@co.skagit.wa.us.
the November 8 draft (PDF)
October 7 Pipeline Safety Code
On Tuesday, October 4, the Board of Commissioners asked
legal staff to generate a new draft ordinance for pipeline safety that
includes the following concepts:
Consultation with pipeline operators at 660 ft from
transmission pipelines
Protection of pipeline easements during construction
Title notice for future property owners to understand
a pipeline is present
The Board indicated it did not want the following concepts
in the ordinance:
new draft ordinance is now available here (pdf).
The Board held a public hearing for public comment on
the proposal for Monday, October 24 at 6 pm, in the Commissioners
Hearing Room at the address above, and scheduled a decision for
Tuesday, November 8 at 10:30 am. No previous drafts of the ordinance
are under consideration.
The Board also directed the Skagit County Department of
Emergency Management to produce public education materials about pipeline
safety and plan for emergency response coordination.
For further information, contact Linda Hammons, Clerk of the Board of
County Commissioners, 1800 Continental Place, Mount Vernon, WA 98273,
telephone 360 416-1300
Pipeline Grant Investigation
Report and Correspondence
Reports regarding
citizen allegations against Planning and Development
Pipeline planning and safety
summary report available
The Pipelines and Informed Planning Alliance (PIPA) Summary Report aims
to help build county officials' capacity to improve transmission pipeline
safety, especially through the development and implementation of local
land use policies and practices. This publication conveys the findings
of the PIPA Report (released in December 2010) and distills the information
pertinent to county governments. To access the summary, click
Contact: James Davenport Phone:
Final Report (Pdf)
Video: Presentation
to the Board of County Commissioners (WMV)
Powerpoint Presentation: Ppt
| Pdf
iMap pipeline
layer added: View interactive map of transmission pipelines
1. Once the map viewer is loaded, select your general area from the
"Select Region" menu
2. On the left side, click "Additional Maps."
3. Click "Transportation and Utilities," then choose
4. Click "Search" to search by address (or another
method) to find your property.
